Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Hey online gang!
There's some new old stuff on my blog that you should check out.  Now that I'm getting a lot of work as a sound guru, I've added some more major components to the blog.  I've had some discussions with other onliners about pros and cons of separate sites versus one site.  As of right now I have one site,, that has several tabs that link to different facets of my film making career.  The danger is that thing become too busy and confusing, and ultimately keep people from viewing the content they want to see and returning for more in the future.

The new stuff is as follows:
- A new Sound tab at the top of the page
- A new Sound Page, where you can see my resumé and watch some of my sound work
- A new updated resumé link at the top of my Sound Page and on the top of the left column on all pages

Check it out and let me know what you think!

Also, at the top of the post is a copy of my new sound mixer card.  Neato!

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